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COP28: We join 2,000 leaders in calling for a brave and historic outcome

In the dying days of this UN Climate Conference, which has been mired in controversy and has so far has failed to achieve agreement over a final text, civil society and faith groups are desperately trying to push negotiators towards a 1.5C aligned outcome to this year's UN climate conference

FaithInvest has joined more than 2,000 signatories (and counting) from across business, finance, philanthropy, politics, academia and civil society calling on governments to deliver a 1.5C aligned outcome – saying that 'later is too late'.

Here is the text of the letter.

 COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber
COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber

Dear COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber,

As we enter the final days of COP28, we are at a tipping point.

The world and its people need the strongest possible outcome to keep 1.5 degrees within reach. But delivering on this historic task requires us to act like a team.

The signals of transformation and opportunity across sectors and society are all around us. At the same time, the climate emergency is biting harder than ever. It’s up to us to seize this opportunity – because what is achieved here in Dubai must mark a legacy moment which determines the fate of our future generations.

We – CEOs, mayors, governors, investors, Indigenous peoples, health professionals, young people, faith leaders, scientists, athletes and more – stand in courage and resolve with the COP28 President and all Parties in bringing us together behind a rapid response plan to the Global Stocktake.

To reach this positive tipping point, we know we need the following:

  • An orderly phase out of all fossil fuels in a just & equitable way, in line with a 1.5C trajectory – whilst ensuring the tripling of global renewable energy capacity by 2030 from 2022 levels and the doubling of energy efficiency

  • The enabling environment to scale up and shift public and private finance, with developed countries taking the lead in action and support; putting a price on carbon and tripling investments for renewable energy

  • The halt and reversal of deforestation and land degradation as well as biodiversity & other ecosystem loss by 2030 and safeguarding the territories of indigenous peoples; ensure resilient food systems and deliver a strong global goal on adaptation

These outcomes must be supported by the implementation and ratcheting of Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans well before COP30 in 2025 which align with 1.5C and incorporate multi-stakeholder efforts within them.

Later is too late.

Click HERE to see the full list of signatories


FaithInvest is a registered charity in England and Wales 1187015 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 11862410.


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