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Register for Asia-focused faith-based investing conference

Registration has just opened for the Walk the Talk: Asia Focus faith-driven investing conference, which will be held on Friday March 5.

This is the fourth year that the Faith-Based Investment Conference has taken place, and this year the decision was made to hold it online, due to the pandemic. It was also split into two events, to accommodate time zones.

A very successful Africa- and Europe-focused Walk the Talk event took place in January, with more than 150 participants, and now the Asia-focused event will take place on March 5, 9.00-17.00 IST (India time).

Keynote speakers include:

  • Anis Ashgar, Board Oikosinvest Foundation;

  • Mathews George Chunakara, General Secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia

  • Baocheng Lui, Professor of Business Ethics, Beijing, China, and advisor to the government on China-Africa investments

  • Prune Ansvananda, President of UNIAPAC Asia, in Thailand.

As is the case with the January event, videos of the plenary sessions will be available afterwards on the conference page. You can see the videos from the Africa Focus conference on January 15 here.

  • Registration costs US$30 and is open until March 4; however, early registration will enable workgroups to be organised and other participants to find you and connect with you.

  • More information on registration is available here.

  • See also the attached updated programme

Walk the Talk: Asia Focus is organised by the Geneva Agape Foundation (GAF) and co-hosted by GAF, FaithInvest, UNIAPAC, World Council of Churches and the World Evangelical Alliance's Business Coalition.

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